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    CopperWater Warranty

    Included 12-month warranty with all bottles:

    Our bottles are of exceptional quality & meant to be the last bottle you ever need. We proudly stand behind this with a 12-month warranty for every bottle purchased.


    How our warranty works: 

    You will automatically have a warranty when you purchase every bottle from our site. The warranty will start on your purchase date and extend to 12 months. This warranty is included with your purchase, and no extra purchase is necessary. Our warranty will replace any defective material, component, or the entire bottle.


    What our warranty covers:

    • Defective bottle
    • Defective lid cap
    • Defective silicone seal
    • Any other defective material or component


    What our warranty does not cover:

    • Normal wear and tear 
    • Tarnish (all natural copper naturally tarnishes over time, and this is normal and expected)
    • Misuse
    • Loss or theft of the bottle


    How to use your warranty: 

    If you are covered under our warranty and want to get a replacement component or bottle, please email us at and provide us with as many details as possible. From there, we will communicate with you to issue a replacement for your warranty.